Junior Girls

The Junior Development Squad (JDS) is made available to students at high schools, who are currently competitive rowers at their schools, and also to those who are at non-rowing schools. This squad has been designed to provide a facility whereby the girls can maintain their skills and performance over the break between the Head of the River for the affiliated schools in their respective season and the commencement of school training programs the following season.
Due to the popularity of this program, numbers have been limited. If girls or parents are interested in enrolling, then approaching the club as soon as possible is a good idea. More details can be found on the JDS page.

 High Performance

This programme is provided for people who have left school in a competitive rowing environment and would like to continue increasing their skills and performance to state and national levels of competition. The club has access to some very well-respected coaches who manage this programme, in conjunction with modern equipment that helps provide a competitive capability for the high-performance senior athletes.


This programme is targeted at members who have completed the Learn to Row programme above and feel they would like to be involved in rowing activities on a regular basis. Most recreational rowers keep up their fitness and skill level by rowing at least twice a week. The options available to recreational rowers are as varied as the individual feels they would like to be involved. Boats are allocated on a predetermined schedule, and casual rowers need to maintain contact with the club if there is an expectation of a rowing session on any given day. Some recreational rowers train 3 to 4 times a week, when they can, and choose not to be involved in the competitive aspects of regattas. This is accepted by all members, regardless of skill level etc.


This programme is aimed at the more mature individual who feels they are still competitive in their peer group and like to maintain fitness and competitive capacity and are over 27 years of age. Training is maintained by frequent sessions on the river and in the gym. Entry to any of the estimated 12 regattas that are held around Southeast Queensland each year is available to these members.

Rowing Australia Rules and By-Laws has provided a definition for the bands, based on age, that Masters rower falls into. An extract from the ” Rule Book, 2015 to 2016 Edition ” follows:


The age of a Masters rower shall be that which he or she attains during the current calendar year.

By-Law to RULE 25 — Masters (Men, Women and Mixed)

Masters events shall be held in the following crew age categories:
A Minimum age: 27 years
B Average age: 36 years or more
C Average age: 43 years or more
D Average age: 50 years or more
E Average age: 55 years or more
F Average age: 60 years or more
G Average age: 65 years or more
H Average age: 70 years or more
I Average age: 75 years or more
J Average age: 80 years or more.
The average age of a crew (excluding the coxswain) will be calculated by dividing the total number of years of age of the crew by the number of members of the crew rounded down to the nearest whole number.

Age categories do not apply to coxswains of master crews. Each competitor shall be responsible for his own health and fitness. Every Masters rower must be in a position to prove his age by the production of an official document (passport or identity card).


Mixed crew events may be held for masters crews in which half of the crew excluding the coxswain, shall be women and a half shall be men. The coxswain may be of either gender.